Sunday, May 4, 2008

A Sad Sunday

I went out to feed the pigs today, and I noticed that Angel was bleeding and was wheezing. I cleaned the cage and then took her to my parents house. I called the Vet but they wouldn't have a small animal doctor in until 5 hours later. Angel just couldn't hang on that long. She was gone within the hour. She really was funny. She would hide every time someone came by and my students just loved her. Good bye Angel, You are an Angel now!!!

Here is my dad digging the hole!

Kady never left Angels side. She was so sweet and wanted to know what was going on!

I call this area our Pet Cemetery. There are hamsters, gerbils, and now a guinea pig that graces this sacred ground. I must admit that I did shed a few tears. I felt bad that she was so sick and I didn't realize it in time. I'm also dreading telling the students that she won't be here any longer.

Kady just kept looking and the ground and sniffing. She started digging, so I took her back in the house. She really loved the pigs. When I had them outside, she would be right by them and guide them back if they got to far away. It was pretty cute!

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