Friday, April 24, 2009

Our new place

Needless to say, I wish that I had done the packing for our move. Edgar just took everything, threw it in the truck, and I had to put everything back. Oh, menWe have many animals on our street, bunnies and horses. I have even heard pigs going by at night. No idea where they are coming from.

You see that, it's our well. We have water all the time and it is heaven!

This made me cry with joy. It was a bathroom, inside, 5 steps from my bed.

I have a kitchen that I can cook in now. Yet another big blessing.
Everyone wants to know how I wash my clothes. This is it. It's our pila. You fill it full of water and then use the washboard to clean the clothes. Yes they get clean, and I get a workout for free.


Tracy the GREAT said...

Your house looks great! So happy for you! Also checked out your trip and christmas. Wow! Beautiful! Looks like a great place to vacation to. Looks like you had lots of fun. What did you see snorkling? How long did you end up staying? Warm warm sun... jealous! Christmas- sometimes it's the little things (soda) that make us the happiest! :) Merry Christmas a few months belated! :D

Tracy the GREAT said...

Julie, I LOVE your new house. You and Edgar look great. Honduras looks beautiful. You need to go bird watching and report back to me. Your vacation looked spectacularly beautiful. I'm jealous. I love you. I miss you. I love Edgar. I miss Edgar. I love you both. I miss you both. Hug hug. Kiss kiss. BIG HUG. little kiss. kiss kiss. HA HA! Love, ERIC