The 5th grade classes and 11th and 12th grade classes were asked to represent our school in the peace parade. At first I didn't mind it but it turned out to be more work than I wanted. Everyone was to wear a white shirt which made it hard to find the schools. It was so disorganized and there were a lot of very angry educators. But it all worked out as usual!

My niece (Ali) and nephews (Christian and Rigo Jose)

Our school was assigned Tolerance. I worked hard on having my students be tolerant of each other. They didn't do so well!

Edgar's school was assigned equality. Their students were much better behaved than ours, but they had about 12 teachers and we had only 3.

Keri and Erin (both cuties)

I'm so glad I'm not the only one who is weeks behind on my blog.!!! :) LOL Had been so fun to have you around- we'll miss you again. Let's play this week!
My daughter has been offered a job at Day Star and we would LOVE the chance to talk to someone about the experience. If possible, could we chat, to get some feedback? My email is odonnell99 (at) cox (dot) net
Thank you so much,
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