Friday, March 20, 2009

more random pictures

This is a papaya that has to be scored to let the milk drip out over night.

Our makeshift kitchen. We had this table made so we could have a place to cook. Edgar and his sister got in a big fight over taking the garbage out and she told us that we could no longer use her kitchen. This was my first time cooking in 2 weeks. I was pretty happy.


Tracy the GREAT said...

Wow- it's been a while since I've been on here. Looks like your having a great time- at least you were last year! I love that Thanksgiving was posted in March. You and I are alike..... Can't wait to see you in a few months. It's snowing outside AGAIN. I thought we were done. Not so! Dawson is in swim lessons and lOVING it. Yesterday he was doing the crawl stroke and adding breathing without standing up. I can't believe such a little guy can do that! He loves swimming.

Chelsey said...

Aren't you in your own place now? I hope you'll be able to use a real kitchen again soon if that's not the case. You are a trooper though!