Sunday, April 27, 2008

The Snow

I will admit that this winter had a lot of snow storms, but I just had to take these pictures of my brothers house. He did build a snow cave outback (again) but this one didn't hold up this year. I didn't get a picture before it caved in .
No sleeping outside this year!

Here I am standing on the street looking at their house. Yes my nephew is in his underwear as always. What makes me laugh is that he never gets cold!

I call this the tunnel, it is just the sidewalk and I was just taking a stroll!

The snow had been higher than this but it had been sunny for two days. I bet they don't have anything like this in Honduras!
(Yes, I forgot that I was wearing my brother's tie)

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Tegucigalpa & Saying Goodbye

Here is the Savior watching over the valley. I honestly don't know how he is able to not fall down the cliff.

I have never seen anything so crazy as the capital. There are houses on every inch of the hills and mountains. I believe that there are two million people living here!!!

We stayed at Edgar's cousin's home just down by where the bus is passing. The view was amazing there but the taxi ride to get to the apartment, SCARY! It reminded me of hiking in Zion and going up the switchbacks but in a car! I'm not kidding when I say it was just like it!!!

Here we are at the airport. We laughed and had a great time. Benny took a picture of Edgar and I before my flight. You have to use your imagination because I was crying like a baby after this. Everyone was looking at me, I must have been a sight to see!

The Farm

This is a picture of the farm standing on Justina's porch. There is Mario's new home and the farm just keeps going and going. It was a lot bigger than I thought!
This is his mom's old house. She now lives in Mario's new home.

I will admit that I could not get over seeing my husband carrying a machete. We were walking through the farm to go meet his dad. I think these are banana plants?!

Edgar kept telling me to just touch the bull. He is way bigger than this picture seems. I just couldn't do it. The bull seemed nice but I have watched to many shows with men being gored to death! He has a nice hump on his back though.

I am way excited to learn how to ride the horses. That will just have to be another blog!

La Chiquitas Rosa

I wasn't one to wear pink until a few years ago. I guess that I'm now an example of how to dress!
Ha Ha Ha

Even More Family

More Family

Saturday, April 19, 2008

La Familia

It has been great to meet the rest of the family. There are a lot of them but the whole family is really wonderful. I can't wait to be able to speak to all of them!

Benicia(cousin), Pedro, Myself, Alicia

Papa Santos and my hubby Santos Edgardo

Mama Elvia and I
Xiomara, Justina, Edgar, Alicia, Mama, Wilfrem, Emma
(The brothe
rs, sisters and mama)
(Just missing a picture of Alejandro)
Rigo, Carols, Maria, Edgar, Mario, Hector
(The rest of the brothers and sisters)

La Inglesia de Jesucristo

Edgar told me that it took him a few days of wandering around before he found the church. We are really blessed to have a church in town. 
We weren't able to get in because it is surrounded by a fence and prison wire. Everything here has that prison wire on it. I guess it helps keep people out and things in. It will be a great experience going to church that is in Spanish. 

Welcome to Juticapla

I have to admit that the Catholic Church is really quite pretty. It is very humbling when you enter and realize how old the building is. Everything runs from the church. It reminds me of how in the Salt Lake Valley everything runs from the temple. 
This is the park that is across the street from the church. People are selling about everything around here. Cynthia and I were just out shopping for some goodies I could take back with me.
One crazy surprise for me were the streets. They are very tiny and narrow. Again they are very old and were used only by foot traffic and horses. The HUGH American cars have to fit in the streets and it is a very scary experience to ride in a car. The sidewalks are about two feet across and sometimes it is easier to risk your life walking in the road. I do love the many colors that surround the buildings. 
Wil, Edgar and I went shopping at the local markets for some food to take to the farm. I love the idea of buying fresh produce right from the farms that surround the areas. By far the best avocado I have ever tasted!!!

Welcome To Honduras

My Edgar just waiting.....
The plane ride seemed to take forever. It was three hours to Houston. While I was waiting to switch planes I met a lot of missionaries from different churches from all over the country. They were headed to help run orphanages, schools, build homes and anything else. One man from Idaho was going to help pay tuition so children could go to public school. (Later on the plane back, he told me that he helped over 2,000 children). 
The time seemed to slow down as I went through customs, but then I made it through and saw my honey right there! We just held onto each other. It really had been hard the last few months with everything that we went through. 
I was all so wonderful but a bit overwhelming at this point.